Thursday, December 19, 2019

Motherhood is...

Motherhood is weird. Motherhood is love. Also, motherhood is hard. It's hard enough away from the prying eyes of other people. Even made more difficult when after a sleepless night (more like sleepless week, really) you hear criticisms about how you take care of your child. Yes, I'm faaarrr from perfect and I'm open to finding and doing new ways to be a better mother. It's just that sometimes the criticisms are overwhelming.

That's why nothing beats moments with Pablo that we share in private; moments that I spend just enjoying the softness of his little body in my arms, the warmth of his kili-kili, the happiness in his laughter. Those are the moments unseen by others but those are the moments that are just ours. Untarnished by the presence of unwanted people (haha) and free from the judgy stares of many.

I may not be the perfect mother but I am Pablo's favorite human being. Me and his dadey. So whatever anyone else says, when it comes down to it, Pablo will choose to be by our side any time of day. Bow.

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