Thursday, May 11, 2017

Clark: Month 1

Never have I been able to comprehend the neverending amazement babies give and now that I have my own, I want to learn and document everything about him.

At first month, our little Ian Clark (Pablo for short hahaha! More on that later) have already given us so much joy and wonderment. Here are my discoveries and his little, albeit seemingly monumental to Mr. L and me, milestones.

1. He has a mole on his back.
2. He now coos and makes cute little sounds aside from crying.
3. He smiles oh so beautifully! 
4. He has a dimple on the left cheek.
5. He loves being close to me and can already tell when I'm not around. I say this because no matter how deeply he sleeps, he wakes up and cries just a few minutes after I've gone to eat/shower/restroom break. 
6. He loves my milk and demands to be fed every two hours! Some babies need to be woken up for feeding but not our Pablo, he cries for milk like clockwork. Love. 
7. He loves being carried by Mr. L. You can tell because when he cries, he quiets down whenever Mr. L picks him up. 
8. He now follows anyone who carries him with his eyes.
9. He cries really loudly!
10. We love him so very much.

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