Sunday, July 24, 2016

Book / Movie Review: Me Before You

Because I read a lot, I tend to wind up reading books waaaay before they are made into blockbuster movies and, more often than not, the film adaptations disappoint me. Me Before You, however, is a different story.

To be honest, it wasn't the kind of book that I was excited to get to every chance I get but more of just something I'd get back to every "down time" I had, as in while waiting for someone at a meeting place, while at the bank waiting for my turn, before bed while waiting to fall asleep. Ganun lang. I think it started slow and there wasn't anything new about the plot; chatty poor girl and an obnoxious rich quadriplegic bound to fall in love in the end. It wasn't until the second half of the book when it started to become interesting for me.

The movie, however, was wow! It wasn't what I had expected. In my opinion, it was better than the book. There weren't unnecessary chit-chats, corny three-seconds-longer-than-necessary-eyeballing-moments, and cringe-worthy scenes. I prepared for them but there were none of that!

Eto pa, I already knew what would happen but I still cried my eyes out! Like all-out bawled and I didn't even do that for the book! While I was reading it I teared up a bit, okay, pero sa movie may hikbi levels and all my friends can attest to the fact that I RARELY CRY in movies so that's saying something. Ganda pa ng soundtrack. Sigh.

Anyway, I don't know if it's still in theaters kasi medyo late itong post ko but rarely do love story movies affect me so I just think it's noteworthy.

Sharing with you some notable scenes care of Google.

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